Drakelow CampusDrakelow,  Derbyshire

The site - 250,000 square foot subterranean complex - of
Drakelow is located within the Bunter sandstone of Blakeshall
Common to the north of Kidderminster. 

The construction of tunnel complex was begun in the early 1940’s to accommodate a shadow factory producing Bristol Hercules aero engines. Between 1958 and 1980 the tunnel complex was used to house the Regional Seat of Government in the event of nuclear strike
during the cold war.

With the site now decommissioned and in private ownership an opportunity came about to restore this facility and surrounding landscape.

The proposal for the Drakelow site seeks to put regenerative design goals into action by developing a unique Training Campus combining practical training skills for disadvantaged people within a natural environment in balance with ecology.
Eight tunnel entrances will provide an opportunity to house living accommodation, training facilities, and offices. Behind these entrances sections of the existing tunnels will provide storage and further workshop facilities. Course participants will combine basic training with practical hands on outdoor activities aimed at ensuring the overall complex will have minimal impact on surrounding ecological systems.

All components of the facility will function on an holistic basis. Ecologically benign strategies such as water harvesting and
recycling, organic food production, biomass energy generation
and aquaculture will ensure that Drakelow establishes itself at the forefront of sustainable community education development.

Project Name: Drakelow Campus
Location:  Drakelow, Derbyshire
Site Area: X ha 
Gross Floor Area: 25,000m2
Value: Private

Project Credits 

Architect: Kirkland Fraser Moor Architects 
Client:  Jericho Community Project 
Engineers:  David Dexter Associates
Cost Management:  Turner & Townsend
© Kirkland Fraser Moor           Tel: 01442 864 673 Email: mail@k-f-m.com
8-12 Clarence Rd Depot, Clarence Rd. HP4 3AS