JournalOur Thoughts and Ideas
NPPF Paragraph 134
It would be interested to hear how architects are experiencing gaining UK planning permissions specifically for housing under the NPPF Paragraph 134? Broader than for just dwellings but very similar intent to the well known Paragraph 80.
Paragraph 134 - ''Significant weight should be given to...outstanding or innovative designs which promote high levels of sustainability, or help raise the standard of design more generally in an area, so long as they fit in with the overall form and layout of their surroundings''.
After a long haul our earth sheltered house project in Rutland has finally been approved by the appeal inspector under Para 134. The project was originally designed and submitted under Para 80, was supported by the officers but ended up being rejected by the planning committee. Local Clipsham Quarry rubble will be used to create an envelop to provide flora and fauna habitats.
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KFM’s Foxglove House is nominated for Innovation and
Individual Housing Development!
Congratulations on all the Floxglove House team for being shortlisted for this years Brick Development Association (BDA) Awards.
Planning was gained for this sensitive Greenbelt location via Paragraph 80 which requires that the dwelling must be '..truly outstanding, reflecting the highest standards in architecture, and help to raise standards of design more generally in rural areas'.
The courtyard form is wrapped in opportunities for integration of flora and fauna. The walls make use of waste and bin-end bricks from local manufacturer H G Matthews. It was a privilege to be working with such skilled crafts people like Ade McCrea & Chris Edwards.
At Kirkland Fraser Moor we gain great satisfaction from using these projects to research spatial strategies and to test low/zero carbon materials to bring about wider implementation of regenerative and biophilic design into the UK house stock - ' to raise standards of design more generally in rural.' areas. Ground + garage roof mounted solar arrays provide approx. 85-100% of all energy needs.
Thank you to the following people for their hard work throughout the project:
ConstruktCLT ltd, APM Design & Build, Edmund Sumner, James Smith, Bowles and Wyer, Rural Solutions, PCP Surveyors Ltd, Studio Allen Ltd
© Kirkland Fraser Moor Tel:
01442 864 673
8-12 Clarence Rd Depot, Clarence Rd. HP4 3AS