Waste Brick Wall Ecological / Economic / Social
A re-imagining of the historical Bungaroosh Wall as a composition of bricks from off-cuts, demolished industrial waste and bee, bat and insect habitats led to several prototype garden walls being built in KFM’s courtyard. This series of experiments has now been implemented, where appropriate, in a number of our built, un-built and proposed works. 

The brick is local waste brick sourced from facilities at J.M. Matthews less than two miles away. The principle of waste reuse we have developed has now been adopted by the brickworks as a ‘variety mix’ product line available for purchase.

Kirkland Fraser Moor Architects           Tel: 01442 864 673 Email: mail@k-f-m.com
8-12 Clarence Rd Depot, Clarence Rd. HP4 3AS